Sashiko lavender sachets

Friday 31 August 2012

About HempLondon

Our aims are to design and make unique hand crafted items, always keeping the environmental impact of producing items to a minimum. Inspired by the creativity of London, the city we live in, our designs are fashionable and practical. We cater for both male and female customers and are in the process of designing a range for babies and toddlers.

Where ever possible we will use organic, fair trade and environmentally friendly materials. During the making process we always recycle and re-use whenever we can and are very aware of our carbon footprint. Our favourite material is HEMP as it is eco-friendly comes in many different weights and textures. Hemp is hardwearing fabric which takes on colours and dyes easily; it hangs beautifully and feels great against your skin.

We have also started a pet range which we will be expanding. Inspired by one of our dogs who has allergies we decided to design a collar that would be comfortable, eco-friendly and minimise her irritation. Made from 100% hemp webbing which grows without the need for pesticides or herbicides, our collars are strong, durable and means your pet is not wearing any unnecessary chemicals. 

Why Hemp?
Hemp is a sustainable alternative and one of the most effective converters of CO2 to oxygen; cleaning the air, improving the soil and helping the fight against global warming. 

* It grows fast using very little water

* Is naturally organic, needing no pesticides or herbicides

* Every part of the plant is used

* Is more durable than cotton

For more information and keep updated with HempLondon and our products, make sure to follow us here on our blog, visit us on Etsy, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook (coming soon).

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