Sashiko lavender sachets

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Screen Printing New Artwork

I have finally got round to putting the photos on the blog. These are the prints from the screen that I burned using my exposure unit.

I was quite pleased with the result as the screen burned clean and the image was crisp. I have a lot of work to do around creating patterns that repeat as this is really only a panel.

As it all worked I thought I would give a little more info on the exposure unit. As you can see in the previous post I used bits of wood I had lying about. The height of the lamp from the glass is approx 15 inches. It's a 500 watt halogen bulb. The glass is toughened and has a beveled edge for safety. I had the glass specially made with no UV filters in it, it cost about £33. The black cloth is felt and I cut a piece of sponge the size of the screen so that the cloth fitted tightly inside. The artwork was hand drawn, scanned and then printed onto inkjet transparencies. I exposed the screen for about 15 mins. There was loads of info online about timings so I made a guess and it worked ok.

Hope it has inspired you to have a go! Would love to see any pics of your homemade exposure units.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Home Made Exposure Unit for Screen Printing

Today is a happy day! I have been working on creating an exposure unit to burn my artwork onto screens for screen printing my own fabric for quite some time (years!).  Well today, after watching many more YouTube videos from Catspit it finally worked.

This is my exposure unit working. It's basically a halogen light mounted on a MDF board base. The glass sheet I had made as it has no UV filters in.

The first try was not successful as the artwork was not opaque enough. I used printable transparencies this time and printed two so there was no chance of light getting through.

This is the screen once it has been exposed and washed and is drying in the sun.

Once I've printed from it I'll post some photos. I'm starting off with some cushions covers on some organic cotton.

Friday 28 June 2013

My dying day... it's good for the soul!

Hand dyed fabric hanging on the washing line in my garden. Shame the weather wasn't a bit nicer... still hemp fabric dries very easily.

It may not look much at the moment ... but just wait, this ugly caterpillar will turn in a beautiful bag, complete with new hand crafted leather handles.  
We may have it ready in time for Camden Market next Friday 5th July.
I'll let you know as soon as it's available on Etsy
Or you could follow us on Facebook and while you're there you can 'like' us

Sunday 9 June 2013

Camden Market May 2013

I can't believe how cold it was in Camden, in May!! It was the first time we'd had a proper stall rather than a table and the market first thing in the morning is lovely. I always love being at the market early it's has a real buzz about it. The weather forecast was for rain so we had to wrestle with the tarpaulins. My tip is to take something to stand on unless you are tall.

We had a lot of stock and some new lines like the Aldgate so it took a long time to put the stall out. We are at Camden again Friday 5th July. Hoping for some sunshine this time.

Thursday 16 May 2013

We are going to be live in Camden Market along with other Etsy sellers from the Etsy Team We Make London tomorrow 17th May 2013 and 5th July 2013.

Come along for a great day out in one of the most popular and trendy markets in London.
There is no substitute for seeing items in the flesh and being able to feel the quality and weight of the Hemp fabric. I promise you photographs can not do it justice. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Sashiko Lavender Sachets

My latest venture into Sashiko is also one of my favourite things to own and make - lavender bags, or as they are also called lavender sachets.
I always add a hanging ribbon to mine so they are easy to place around the house or even in the car. (I hate those synthetic air fresheners)
I have made these Sashiko sachets from organic hemp muslin and used organic kapok stuffing to give them a lovely soft and squishy feel. I am always amazed at how long the fragrance lasts, and when you give them a little squeeze the fragrance is revitalised - aah!

This one is made using a traditional Sashiko rice flower stitch, which I currently have for sale on my Etsy shop.

 For this one I have used a Sashiko style of embroidery to create my own patterns. 

And I have even created some especially for Valentines Day. Please take a look at my Etsy shop for more examples of my designs.
If you would like to make your own Sashiko lavender bag, please come back and check my blog in the next few days as I'm planning a tutorial of the Rice Flower design.